Maths tutor, Physics tutor, teacher, KS3, GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level, online

How did you come to be an online tutor of Maths and Physics ? How does your online tuition work ?

Posted by Michael Mulligan on Saturday, August 10, 2019 Under: Online tuition

During my teaching career of 24 years in the secondary classroom (Physics and Maths from 1980 to 2004) I had always enjoyed doing some 1-to-1 tuition, in people's homes and in 2004 I left the classroom and concentrated on offering excellent face-to-face, 1-to-1, tuition in my own home.

About 2012 I began to explore ways in which I could deliver the same quality tuition as face-to-face, but this time using the internet so that neither the student or myself would have to leave the comfort and safety of our own homes. This means there's no driving, no fossil fuel usage, no time lost in traffic, contributing to a much smaller "Carbon footprint". Altogether a more environmentally friendly and a healthier option.

By 2015 I had my resources in place - a top notch iMac computer, a good internet connection, a quality Logitech webcam which I would use as a document camera to act as the "eyes of the student". 

Nowadays we use Skype or Zoom (both free) to have a conversation and just like in a “traditional lesson" I do most of the writing on an A4 page on the desk and often I will have the student make a contribution to the process of producing the lesson notes by helping me, by answering questions, finishing sentences, doing a piece of work and holding it up to his / her camera for me to take a screen shot. Two-way communication happens in real time - so smoothly that we often forget that there are many miles - sometimes thousands of miles - between us.

So, in my online tutoring I try to keep the best parts of traditional face-to-face tutoring (1-to-1, personalised, student-driven, meeting the student's own needs, not the needs of the average in a crowded classroom). It's just not "face-to-face" (which some might consider a blessing !), while using the internet to deliver the benefits of my years of experience and expertise to the far-away student. But, of course, we can see each other if we want to - and that can be very helpful feedback too. So, in a sense, it is "face-to-face", just not a physical presence.
At the end of the lesson I scan our lesson notes and send them to the student or parent so he / she has a complete set (not done by all tutors).
After the "sending of notes" I usually send a homework exercise to the student. Student does the HW and sends back to me for marking and feedback. Again, I follow best traditional practice (not done by all tutors).
Very many online tutors use an online interactive whiteboard, as their main method for delivery of a lesson. I do use an online interactive whiteboard as well, when it's appropriate, but it's not my main method of delivery.

In the last year I have helped students across the UK and as far away as China, Australia and the USA.

And in the coming academic year, from September 2019, I hope to help, enthuse and inspire many more people, young and not-so-young, to meet and overcome personal challenges in Maths and Physics.

If you would like a preliminary meeting on Zoom (better than Skype, no cost, 30 minutes, and no obligation) just make contact.

[ by  TEXT to 0044 (0) 7922 967 395 ]   

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Thanks for reading .
I look forward to hearing from you.


In : Online tuition 

Tags: "online maths" "physics tutor" tuition london worldwide uk china usa europe 

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Michael Mulligan
Michael Mulligan

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